host an event
Are you interested in reserving a space on the Chicago Campus for an event? This page will help you do exactly that. It only takes three easy steps to secure a location and notify the appropriate offices.
Interested in hosting a Common Hour? Visit the Common Hour page to learn how.
STEP 1: Book space.
If you are unsure of how to reserve a location on campus, please see the how-to guide. When determining the amount of time a location is needed, please keep in mind if the event will require you to handle any setup or teardown. If you do plan to rearrange furniture, please return the room to its original layout at the end of your event. The Facilities and Information Technology teams will schedule their own setup needs before your reservation.
Note: Classroom and conference room approvals are automated but some spaces require reservation approvals.
Facilities approves:
- Community Hall.
- Main Reception (15L).
- Catering kitchen.
People and Culture approves:
- The Wellness Studio.
The Office of the President approves:
- The Board Room.
Student Affairs approves:
- Adler Café.
- East Stairwell Lounge (16FL).
Additional consultation, approval, and lead time is required for use of any space not listed above. Approval is not guaranteed and is generally first come first serve.
STEP 2: Submit an event setup request.
If your on-campus, hybrid or virtual event requires Facilities and/or IT support and you are at the Vancouver, Online or Chicago campus, please submit an Event Setup Request Form. The form should be submitted at least two week’s in advance of the event to ensure that Facilities and IT are able to execute your event smoothly. Upon submission, a team member will reach out to coordinate an intake meeting to ensure all needs are captured and discuss next steps.
Note: Facilities and IT cannot guarantee delivery of all requirements for event support requests submitted with less than two week’s advance notice.
The following equipment is available for regular use: rectangular tables, chairs, coat racks, and easels/poster boards. Additional consultation, approval, and lead time is required for use of the following equipment: high-top tables, staging, podium(s), stanchions, beverage cooler, Community Hall partitions, handheld microphones, portable audio equipment, extra trash bins, or any other equipment not listed here.
STEP 3: Guest notification.
Please send an email to Facilities and Security letting them know details regarding any guests you may be having, including who they are, when they’ll be arriving, and which event they’ll be attending.
STEP 4: Promote your event.
Around Adler | The Student Affairs Weekly Events Newsletter: This email is distributed on every Monday. Email requests for inclusion in the newsletter should be sent to Student Affairs by Thursday at noon the week before. Your email should have all of the following event details:
- Name of hosting organization.
- Date of event.
- Start and end times.
- Contact email for questions.
- Location and/or virtual link.
- Registration details, if required — link to register, first and last days to register.
- Name of any guest speakers, a brief bio, and a link to learn more about them if applicable.
- Intended audience, e.g.:
- Current Chicago students.
- All Chicago students.
- All students, faculty, and staff across all three campuses.
- All students across all three campuses.
If you have a graphic that you’d like to submit for consideration in the newsletter, please make sure it is simple and ADA-compliant. Alternative text should also be provided with your image. If you’re unfamiliar with alt-text, it is used in newsletters and on websites so those with screen-readers (e.g. people with low vision) can access the information conveyed via the images.
Campus flyers: Any flyer on campus created by a student or student organization must be approved by Student Affairs. Flyers for events hosted by students or student organizations in partnership with any University office must also be approved by Communications. Send flyers to Student Affairs for approval. Once approved, Student Affairs will print and hang the flyers unless you prefer to do so.
Accommodations and Adler Events
If you are a participant requesting accommodations for an Adler event or hosting an event and would like assistance to ensure accommodations are available, please contact Disability Services or call 312.662.4141 with as much notice as possible.
We encourage anyone hosting an event to try to make it as accessible as possible.
When the event begins, remind attendees about any available accommodations. If virtual, encourage attendees to use the “chat” function if there are any issues accessing the accommodations. If your event is in-person, please encourage guests to meet with the host.
People with Disabilities are Welcome!We are committed to making this event accessible to everyone. For this event, we will <LIST ACCESSIBLE OFFERINGS (e.g., enable the automatic closed captions in Zoom)> If you require other accommodations to participate fully, please contact Disability Services (non-linkable format: DisabilityOffice@adler.edu) or call 312.662.4141 with as much notice as possible.